Brightsign: Brightauthor App Installation
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Method to setup Blackdove application on Brightsign player.
If the player is brand new, then connect the player to the screen without sd card. The screen will display the serial number and IP address of brightsign player.
Now download the BrightAuthor:Connected app from
Login or Sign up to BSN cloud.
Now go to admin tab and click setup tab.
Now add a Setup name, keep Player Name as default, set correct time zone and in Publishing Mode click App URL and paste the given below link of the app.
Now click Add Setup to Library.
A new setup will be created as shown below.
Again click on admin tab and click Provision tab.
Click Add Player.
Now add Player Serial Number, Player Name and a description.
Click add player.
Now click on the check box and click Apply Setup.
Now select the correct provision setup file (created in the previous steps).
After selecting setup record click Apply Setup.
Now insert exFAT formatted sd card and reset the player.
Now the player will setup automatically.
If you have already Provisioned your player with another setup before then you need to follow following instructions after following above instructions.
Click on network tab.
Click on setting icon and go to control tab.
Insert exFAT formatted sd card in the player and connect an ethernet connection with player.
Scroll down on control tab and click Reprovision option.
Next steps will take place automatically.
Sometimes the screen plays incorrect video format. In that case:
Go to video tab and under change video mode click on the dropdown menu.
Select 1920x1080x60p option and click Change Mode. Reset the player now the screen will display accurate video format.