Streaming/Playing Artwork on Your Display
1) If your Display was pre-setup for the event by Blackdove staff when the Display was rented or ordered, you can change the settings such as Name, Orientation, Artwork Switching times, and to show or nor to show the Artists info and QR code easily by clicking the Display icon in the upper right corner of your account next to your profile icon.
To change settings for the Display, find the appropriate one in the list of displays that were set up for you and click the 'Settings Toggle' icon.
Here you can see all of the choices you have for the Display. You do not need UHD for this purpose unless the Display is over 20 feet.
2) If you are setting up your Displays yourself please follow the instructions here in this documentation:
All 'Setting Toggle' instructions above are the same after initial set up.
Go to the Collection of choice > Click the PLAY button > Choose the display you want to play the work on > Click PLAY. Your artwork will now stream in a few seconds and load the whole collection into the hardware for smooth streaming through the event.
Last updated