Upload artwork that artists send you as a Gallery
This step is for Galleries who have artists send them files of their artwork for you, the Gallery, to upload and show.
• Once loged in, to to the left menu area and click Uploads.
• Drag and drop or click and select where you want to upload the artwrok from on your computer or hard drive.
• On the right side you will see an area to change the name of the work. Name it 'Artwork Title - Name of Artist' or 'Name of Artist - Artwork Title'. Just make sure it is consistent for best viewing results.
Once the green bar is full on the right, click Complete.
The artwork will show as grey bars as it transcodes and uploads over a few minutes depending on the size of the work.
While the above is going on, or after full upload, click the 3-dots (• • • ) on the right of the artwork piece. Click 'Edit'.
Here you can also change the name of the artwork to the above mentioned naming conventions.
You will also keep the work on 'Unlisted' so it shows only for you and anyone you share the link with and not in our main feed.
In the 'QR Code' section, add in the link to where you want people to go if CHOOSE you have a visible QR code on the screen during the show. You have the ability in your Display area, for each digital canvas/screen, to show or not show QR codes. As an example, if you want it to go to a product page on your website or on another website, just copy the product page for that work and paste it into this 'QR Code' section.
Click 'Update Artwork'.
The next section will share how to instruct Artists to create an account on Blackdove, upload their own artwork, and share a hidden link with you in order for you to add to a Collection and stream. The next section gives Artists more autonomy over their artwork and makes them feel like their artwork is safer.
Last updated